Product Manager

Scientific Sales

What is it that you do? 

Product manager for 3 different product lines, NIR RAMAN XRD. I sell these product and I am responsible for sales, support and business development  

What does your day-to-day job involve? 

Quotes, meetings, queries, demonstrations  

How long have you been working in the industry? 

8 years 

What qualifications do you have? 

BSc Hons Chemistry  MSc Analytical Chemistry 

How did you get into this role? 

Worked in the laboratory but wanted a more customer facing role so applied via an agency  

What are you most proud of in your career? 

Being the key contact for my customers. Being very customer focused  

What do you like most about your job? 

Variety. I get to visit some pretty cool places  

Anything you particularly dislike? 

Traffic jams. Being belittled by being "just a sales man" to a few people  

What qualities do you believe you need to succeed in this job? 

Independent. Thick skinned. Hardworking  

What advice would you give someone wanting to get into your industry? 

Learn what your customers do. Read around your subject. Relate to their needs 

Finally, what is the strangest thing you have ever had to do in your working life? 

Go shopping for flowers for a bride

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