How to prepare for your virtual interview

Got a virtual interview coming up? Take a look at our tip tops!

The coronavirus pandemic has made ‘on-site’ interviews a thing of the past for many organisations, including our own. Those of us who wouldn’t class themselves as ‘tech-savvy’ are rapidly finding themselves having to get up to speed with the virtual world in order to find and compete for jobs.

Here are some of our top tips when preparing for virtual interviews.

Be on time

There is nothing more frustrating than being sat wasting time waiting for an interviewee to arrive, whether this be in person or via an online platform. This is a sure-fire way to start an interview on a bad foot, so make sure you join the call promptly and at the correct time! 

Test your tech!

This may seem obvious, but make sure you test your tech! Make sure you spend some time before the interview testing the video platform or downloading any local programmes you may need in advance, as this will dramatically reduce the chances of being late and stressed when it comes to the interview. Lastly, remember to check your internet connection!

Dress Appropriately

Whether in person or virtual, an interview is still an interview. While it may be tempting to sit in your PJ bottoms with your slippers on and a shirt on top, but is that really going to allow you to project an air of professionalism towards your interviewers? We recommend you dress smart for your virtual interviews. Not only will it show the interviewers that you have made an effort for the meeting, but it will enable you to feel more professional and act accordingly with more confidence.

Location, Location, Location!

Do your best to find a quiet place, away from distractions and clutter. While, people are a lot more understanding these days, no one wants to see your family members walking past you and talking. If you can’t find anywhere with a bare wall or bookshelf, use a virtual background to blur out the clutter… and as tempting as it is, don’t use the party balloons or one with bright colours. Keep it plain and simple.

Try to find somewhere with good lighting so the interviewer/s can see your facial expressions so your enthusiasm can come through. Remember, the interview process used to be a lot about body-language. This has been taken away, so your facial expressions and hand gestures are now more important.

Remember; don’t get distracted and maintain eye contact as best as possible. It can be tempting to stare down the camera to simulate eye contact but you don’t want to miss what is on the screen. The occasional glance should suffice.

Finally, Be Yourself…

Sometimes, people can struggle on video interview and find themselves acting ‘stiff’ and ‘robotic’. It’s important that you let yourself relax into the process and allow your personality to shine through. A little nerves is never a bad thing. Nerves are there to keep us sharp and on top form, and it shows the interviewer that you really do want to role on offer. If you are unfamiliar with video interviews, again practice with a friend; the more prepared you are the more confident and relaxed you will be.

Our team of recruitment consultants are experts when it comes to interview prep. If you've got an virtual interview coming up and need some more advice, get in touch

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